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Searching: Breadth First and Depth First



Depth First Search

Breadth First Search

Pseudocode and Algorithms


If you want to go from Point A to Point B, you are employing some kind of search. For a direction finder, going from Point A to Point B literally means finding a path between where you are now and your intended destination. For a chess game, Point A to Point B might be two points between its current position and its position 5 moves from now. For a genome sequencer, Points A and B could be a link between two DNA sequences.

As you can tell, going from Point A to Point B is different for every situation. If there is a vast amount of interconnected data, and you are trying to find a relation between few such pieces of data, you would use search. In this tutorial, you will learn about two forms of searching, depth first and breadth first.

Searching falls under Artificial Intelligence (AI). A major goal of AI is to give computers the ability to think, or in other words, mimic human behavior. The problem is, unfortunately, computers don't function in the same way our minds do. They require a series of well-reasoned out steps before finding a solution. Your goal, then, is to take a complicated task and convert it into simpler steps that your computer can handle. That conversion from something complex to something simple is what this discussion is primarily about. Learning how to use two search algorithms is just a side-effect.

Our Search Representation

Let's first learn how we humans would solve a search problem. First, we need a representation of how our search problem will exist. The following is an example of our search tree. It is a series of interconnected nodes that we will be searching through:








In the above graph, the path connections are not two-way. All paths go only from top to bottom. In other words, A has a path to B and C, but B and C do not have a path to A. It is basically like a one-way street.

Each lettered circle in our graph is a node. A node can be connected to each other via an edge/path, and those nodes that its connects to are called neighbors. B and C are neighbors of A. E and D are neighbors of B, and B is not a neighbors of D or E because B cannot be reached using either D or E.

Our search graph also contains depth:









We now have a way of describing location in our graph. We know how the various nodes (the lettered circles) are related to each other (neighbors), and we have a way of characterizing the depth each belongs in. Knowing this information isn't directly relevant in creating our search algorithm, but they do help us to better understand the problem.