Robotics C++ Physics II AP Physics B Electronics Java Astronomy Other Courses Summer Session  

Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and String Theory









Final Project

PowerPoint Presentation     Format for Final Project


1.  Theories Covered


     For each of the following theories, state (a) its major contribution to our knowledge, and (b) a possible weakness

    a.  Special Theory of Relativity
    b.  General Theory of Relativity
    c.  Quantum Mechanics
    d.  String Theory

2.  Major Contributors


      Einstein is generally given sole credit for the development of special relativity. Like all others, however, he stood on the shoulders of giants.

      Who do you think are the 3 individuals or events or (?) that he would give primary credit to and why?


      Who do you view as the 3 major contributors or pioneers for each of the following theories and why.

     a.  Quantum Mechanics
     b.  String Theory

3.  The Final Theory


      What is your definition of a final theory. Be as specific as possible and state how it could be used - what would be the limitations, if any.

      You can use someone else's definition if you wish (or modify it), just give them credit.

4.  Components of a Final Theory


      Which of the following theories do you think will be included in a final theory and why.

     a.  Special Theory of Relativity

      b.  General Theory of Relativity
     c.  Quantum Mechanics
     d.  String Theory

5.  Superstars


      Beginning with Galileo (or earlier if you wish) and continuing to the present,


      a.  What scientists- philosophers-thinkers would you rank in the top 3 in terms of their contributions to our overall "body of knowledge" in terms of answering the questions raised by Hawking in his

           latest book - The Grand Design. Clearly state your reasons for each selection.

      b.  Who would you rank as number 1- using the above criteria - and why?