Robotics C++ Physics II AP Physics B Electronics Java Astronomy Other Courses Summer Session  



1)       Students are not allowed in the lab rooms without a teacher present.

2)       No gum chewing, eating of food or drinking of beverages is permitted in the laboratory.

3)       Do not use faucets in the laboratory for drinks.

4)       Do not sit on the counters at any time. 

5)       Books, purses, backpacks, etc. are to be placed in the appropriate storage area (under the lab bench or desk).

6)       Do not play with or handle any of the lab or demonstration materials without teacher supervision. 

7)       The eyewash stations and emergency showers in the lab areas are not to be touched for any reason other than to treat a spill on the body

                  or face.  The red‑capped side faucet at each sink is not for play; it is for rinsing spills on you or rinsing glassware.

8)       No horseplay or fooling around is allowed in the classroom or lab.

9)       Before beginning a lab activity, students are expected to tie back long hair, remove outer clothing such as coats or jackets, and to remove

              dangling jewelry. 

10)   Students are to report to lab wearing closed-toes shoes, long pants or skirts (no mini-skirts or knee length pants). 

11)   Goggles are required for all lab activities with chemicals. (On the eyes, not on the head).  Contact lenses should not be worn during lab

              exercises due to the possibility of spilled chemicals becoming trapped under them.  We strongly advise that you wear glasses during lab exercises. 

12)   Immediately report any accident or injury to your teacher

13)   Students must wash their hands with soap and water before leaving the laboratory.

14)   Leave the room and your desk area as you found them when you entered.


BEFORE you begin any lab or activity, you MUST read the entire procedure FIRST.  This allows you and your lab partners to plan ahead.  Clear up any questions about the procedure with your teacher before you begin.   

DURING an experiment or lab procedure you may be handling glassware—beakers and test tubes etc.  When carrying glassware be certain you have a good hold on it before you pick it up.

NEVER pick up glassware with wet hands.  Use the correct instrument to remove glassware from a hot plate or Bunsen burner.  Set any hot glassware back as far as possible on the countertop.  Let everyone around you know that it is hot.  Do not place hot glassware on paper products.


AFTER finishing a procedure, all glassware is to be washed with soapy water and a brush and rinsed three times in running water.  Invert test tubes on a drying rack or test tube rack for drying.  Beakers may be dried with a paper towel.  Return all equipment to its proper storage area.

If you should drop a piece of glassware, DO NOT panic or scream.  (The teacher heard it break, and is probably on the way to the site).  The teacher will check for cuts and scratches and administer the appropriate first aid if needed.  Then he or she will clean up the broken glass or have the housekeeping staff to take care of it.  DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THE BROKEN GLASS WITH YOUR HANDS.

When an activity requires chemical materials, you will be responsible for obtaining these from containers in the lab prep area on a counter so designated.

Before taking any chemicals, make sure that

1.     You have read your materials list correctly and

2.     You have checked the label on the stock container TWO TIMES before removing any materials from the container.  Place chemicals into clean glassware only and NEVER MIX ANY CHEMICALS TOGETHER UNLESS YOUR DIRECTIONS TELL YOU TO.  If the instructions call for mixing, follow these exactly.  Your safety depends upon this.

To Avoid contamination of chemicals

1.     Replace caps on the stock container immediately after using it

2.     Do not mix spatulas or scoopulas. If in doubt, clean it or request another spatula.

3.     NEVER return any excess stock solution or dry chemical to the original container.


If you spill a chemical, check with your teacher to find out the clean‑up procedure. 

Generally, if you spill a solid chemical (powder or granules) the procedure is as follows.

1.     Using a paper towel, push the excess chemical into the container that has been DESIGNATED for chemical waste disposal.

2.     Dampen a paper towel slightly and wipe over the ENTIRE area. Do not allow the chemical to touch your skin.

3.     Dry the area thoroughly using a clean paper towel.

4.     Have the area checked by the teacher.


Generally, if you spill a liquid chemical the procedure is as follows.

1.     Absorb the excess liquid with paper towels, being sure to use a thick wad to protect your hands.  Discard the toweling in the wastebasket.

2.     With a damp paper towel and soap, wash the entire area thoroughly.  Discard the toweling as before.

3.     Rinse the area thoroughly with a freshly moistened paper towel. Discard.

4.     Dry the area completely.

AGAIN, report to your teacher any chemical contact with your skin or clothing.


If you get any chemical on your skin there is a very simple procedure to follow.  REPORT IT TO YOUR TEACHER IMMEDIATELY.  The teacher will determine what must be done to treat the area.  Generally, the procedure will be to run cool water over the affected area for a minimum of 5 minutes.  After five more minutes, a check will be made to see if the burning has stopped—please be honest with your teacher.  If the burning sensation is still present, the rinse‑wait routine will be followed until there is no burning sensation.  Do NOT attempt to do anything until you have checked with your teacher.


Chemical splashes on your clothing are treated in much the same way as those to the skin.  Remove the clothing from contact with your skin and IMMEDIATELY REPORT TO YOUR TEACHER, who will institute the rinse‑wait routine as above.


In the event that a chemical is splashed into your eyes, alert the person nearest to you and have him or her get your teacher  ‑‑ DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIND THE TEACHER BY YOURSELF.  The teacher will take you to the eyewash station and rinse your eyes a minimum of 15 minutes.  You will then be asked if your eyes are burning or stinging—BE HONEST.  Your eyesight might be at stake.  If there is no stinging, the teacher will notify the proper people for follow‑up treatment by health professionals.  If burning or stinging is still present, the rinse‑wait procedure will be repeated until it stops while waiting for medical help.

Your Lab room is equipped with a safety shower to be used in the event of a massive chemical spill, one that covers much of the body.  This is an extremely rare occurrence and the situation will be handled entirely by your teacher.


When working with chemicals, often you must dispose of excess reagents or products produced as a result of the lab.  Place any excess chemicals in DESIGNATED WASTE CONTAINERS.  NEVER RETURN ANYTHING TO THE ORIGINAL STOCK CONTAINER.
AGREEMENT to Abide by General Guidelines and Safety Instructions for Biology Classes

(Please review, sign and return before the Safety Test, on which you must earn 80% prior to participating in lab activities)



I, ___________________________________________________________will:

                                                (Please Print)

Follow all instructions given by the teacher

Read directions carefully before beginning a lab or activity

Protect eyes, face, hands and body while conducting a lab or activity

Know the location of first aid and firefighting equipment

Conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times in class


I, _________________________________, have read, studied, and agree to abide by the safety

                                (Please Print)

regulations set forth above and by any additional instructions provided by my teacher.  I further agree to follow all other verbal instructions given by my teacher at the beginning of and throughout all laboratory activities.  

Allergies:  Please note any allergies you have to chemicals such as formaldehyde or latex. Although we use non-latex gloves and non-formaldehyde biological species, but sensitivities to these materials must be considered.

If you have no allergies, please state so. 



Student Signature: ____________________________   Date: ____________________



Dear Parent or Guardian:


We feel that you should be informed regarding Albuquerque Academy Science Department’s effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom/laboratory environment. With the cooperation of the teachers, parents and students, a safety instruction program can prevent hazardous occurrences and accidents. We want you to be aware of the safety instruction your son or daughter will receive before engaging in any laboratory work. Please read the list of safety guidelines on the preceding pages.  No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities until this agreement is signed by both the student and the parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher. The student must earn an 80 % on the safety quiz prior to using the laboratory; this quiz will be on file with the teacher as well.


Your signature below indicates that you have read this Student Safety Guidelines as well as the

Course Directives provided for this class. It also confirms that you are aware of the measures taken to ensure the safety of your son or daughter in the science laboratory and will instruct him or her to uphold his or her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory.


______________________________________ ______________________

Parent/Guardian (Please Print)


Signature: _______________________________________________ Date:  ____