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Vprimary/Vsecondary = Nprimary/Nsecondary


    Vprimary = voltage in primary coil

    Vsecondary = voltage in secondary coil

    Nprimary = turns in primary coil

    Nsecondary = turns in secondary coil
Transmission of Electric Power: Plant to Home Transformer: Theory of Operation



Transformer Equation

From Faraday's law


Vsecondary = NsecondaryDFB/Dt            Vprimary = NprimaryDFB/Dt


Dividing the two, we arrive at the transformer equation


Vsecondary /Vprimary = NsecondaryDFB/Dt/NprimaryDFB/Dt


Vsecondary /Vprimary = Nsecondary/Nprimary     or    

Vsecondary = Vprimary (Nsecondary/Nprimary )


To create a Step-up transformer: Nsecondary > Nprimary


To create a Step-down transformer: Nsecondary < Nprimary

Power Transmission: Plant to Home



Transformer Drum Transmission Substation Transmission Lines


Some of the many uses for transformers


ð Computer network interface cards

ð Modems

ð Power amlifiers

ð Microwave ovens

ð Car ignition systems

ð etc.



Why AC Used in Transmission of Power


The transformer equation does not work with DC - there is no changing magnetic field



Why Power Transmitted at High Voltages


Assume that 240 kW of electric power is consumed by a certain location that receives this power from 10 miles away over transmission lines.

The transmission lines have a total resistance of 0.40 ohms.


I = current in the lines = P/V


If the power is transmitted at 240 volts

I = 240,000 W/240 V = 1,000 A

Ploss = I2R = (1x103  A)2(0.40 W) = 400,000 W loss if transmitted at 240 volts


If the power is transmitted at 24,000 volts

I = 240,000 W/24,000 V = 10 A

Ploss = I2R = (10  A)(0.40 W) = 4 W loss if transmitted at 24,000 volts