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Dice Poker


#pragma once



namespace DicePoker


            using namespace System;

            using namespace System::ComponentModel;

            using namespace System::Collections;

            using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

            using namespace System::Data;

            using namespace System::Drawing;


            /// <summary>

            /// Summary for Form1


            /// WARNING: If you change the name of this class, you will need to change the

            ///          'Resource File Name' property for the managed resource compiler tool

            ///          associated with all .resx files this class depends on.  Otherwise,

            ///          the designers will not be able to interact properly with localized

            ///          resources associated with this form.

            /// </summary>

            public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form







                                    //TODO: Add the constructor code here





                        /// <summary>

                        /// Clean up any resources being used.

                        /// </summary>

                        /// <param name="disposing">"description of the parameter"</param>


            private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^  lblWelcome;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^  pbxDie1;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^  pbxDie2;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^  pbxDie4;







            private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^  pbxDie3;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^  pbxDie5;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox^  chkDie1;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox^  chkDie2;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox^  chkDie3;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox^  chkDie4;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox^  chkDie5;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox^  chkKeepAll;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^  btnRollDice;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^  btnExit;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^  grpScoring;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^  grpOutput;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer^  tmrRoll;














            private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^  lblLegend1;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^  txtOutput;




            private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^  lblLegend3;


            private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^  lblLegend2;

            private: System::Windows::Forms::ImageList^  imlDiceList;


            private: System::ComponentModel::IContainer^  components;



                        /// <summary>

                        /// Required designer variable.

                        /// </summary>

                        //Game timer counter

                        Int32 intTimerCntr;



                        //Handle for random number generator

                        Random^ randNumGen;


                        //Used to control display of Checkbox controls

                        Boolean blnExcludeList;


                        //Number of dollars in player's account

                        Int32 intTotalDollars;

                        Int32 intNoOfRolls; //Tracks the number of die rolls

                        Int32 intDice1; //Number 1 die

                        Int32 intDice2; //Number 2 die

                        Int32 intDice3; //Number 3 die

                        Int32 intDice4; //Number 4 die

                        Int32 intDice5; //Number 5 die



#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code

                        /// <summary>

                        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify

                        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.

                        /// </summary>

                        void InitializeComponent(void)


                                    this->components = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container());

                                    System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager^  resources = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager(Form1::typeid));

                                    this->lblWelcome = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());

                                    this->pbxDie1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox());

                                    this->pbxDie2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox());

                                    this->pbxDie4 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox());

                                    this->pbxDie3 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox());

                                    this->pbxDie5 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox());

                                    this->chkDie1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox());

                                    this->chkDie2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox());

                                    this->chkDie3 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox());

                                    this->chkDie4 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox());

                                    this->chkDie5 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox());

                                    this->chkKeepAll = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox());

                                    this->btnRollDice = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());

                                    this->btnExit = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());

                                    this->grpScoring = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());

                                    this->lblLegend3 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());

                                    this->lblLegend2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());

                                    this->lblLegend1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());

                                    this->grpOutput = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());

                                    this->txtOutput = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox());

                                    this->tmrRoll = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Timer(this->components));

                                    this->imlDiceList = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ImageList(this->components));

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie1))->BeginInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie2))->BeginInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie4))->BeginInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie3))->BeginInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie5))->BeginInit();





                                    // lblWelcome


                                    this->lblWelcome->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->lblWelcome->Font = (gcnew System::Drawing::Font(L"Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,


                                    this->lblWelcome->ForeColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Desktop;

                                    this->lblWelcome->Location = System::Drawing::Point(177, 9);

                                    this->lblWelcome->Name = L"lblWelcome";

                                    this->lblWelcome->Size = System::Drawing::Size(287, 20);

                                    this->lblWelcome->TabIndex = 0;

                                    this->lblWelcome->Text = L"Welcome to Visual C++ Dice Poker!";


                                    // pbxDie1


                                    this->pbxDie1->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;

                                    this->pbxDie1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(37, 44);

                                    this->pbxDie1->Name = L"pbxDie1";

                                    this->pbxDie1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 47);

                                    this->pbxDie1->SizeMode = System::Windows::Forms::PictureBoxSizeMode::StretchImage;

                                    this->pbxDie1->TabIndex = 1;

                                    this->pbxDie1->TabStop = false;


                                    // pbxDie2


                                    this->pbxDie2->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;

                                    this->pbxDie2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(159, 44);

                                    this->pbxDie2->Name = L"pbxDie2";

                                    this->pbxDie2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 47);

                                    this->pbxDie2->SizeMode = System::Windows::Forms::PictureBoxSizeMode::StretchImage;

                                    this->pbxDie2->TabIndex = 2;

                                    this->pbxDie2->TabStop = false;


                                    // pbxDie4


                                    this->pbxDie4->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;

                                    this->pbxDie4->Location = System::Drawing::Point(403, 44);

                                    this->pbxDie4->Name = L"pbxDie4";

                                    this->pbxDie4->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 47);

                                    this->pbxDie4->SizeMode = System::Windows::Forms::PictureBoxSizeMode::StretchImage;

                                    this->pbxDie4->TabIndex = 3;

                                    this->pbxDie4->TabStop = false;


                                    // pbxDie3


                                    this->pbxDie3->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;

                                    this->pbxDie3->Location = System::Drawing::Point(281, 44);

                                    this->pbxDie3->Name = L"pbxDie3";

                                    this->pbxDie3->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 47);

                                    this->pbxDie3->SizeMode = System::Windows::Forms::PictureBoxSizeMode::StretchImage;

                                    this->pbxDie3->TabIndex = 4;

                                    this->pbxDie3->TabStop = false;


                                    // pbxDie5


                                    this->pbxDie5->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;

                                    this->pbxDie5->Location = System::Drawing::Point(525, 44);

                                    this->pbxDie5->Name = L"pbxDie5";

                                    this->pbxDie5->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 47);

                                    this->pbxDie5->SizeMode = System::Windows::Forms::PictureBoxSizeMode::StretchImage;

                                    this->pbxDie5->TabIndex = 5;

                                    this->pbxDie5->TabStop = false;


                                    // chkDie1


                                    this->chkDie1->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->chkDie1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(48, 125);

                                    this->chkDie1->Name = L"chkDie1";

                                    this->chkDie1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(47, 17);

                                    this->chkDie1->TabIndex = 6;

                                    this->chkDie1->Text = L"Keep";

                                    this->chkDie1->Visible = false;


                                    // chkDie2


                                    this->chkDie2->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->chkDie2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(171, 125);

                                    this->chkDie2->Name = L"chkDie2";

                                    this->chkDie2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(47, 17);

                                    this->chkDie2->TabIndex = 7;

                                    this->chkDie2->Text = L"Keep";

                                    this->chkDie2->Visible = false;


                                    // chkDie3


                                    this->chkDie3->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->chkDie3->Location = System::Drawing::Point(293, 125);

                                    this->chkDie3->Name = L"chkDie3";

                                    this->chkDie3->Size = System::Drawing::Size(47, 17);

                                    this->chkDie3->TabIndex = 8;

                                    this->chkDie3->Text = L"Keep";

                                    this->chkDie3->Visible = false;


                                    // chkDie4


                                    this->chkDie4->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->chkDie4->Location = System::Drawing::Point(417, 125);

                                    this->chkDie4->Name = L"chkDie4";

                                    this->chkDie4->Size = System::Drawing::Size(47, 17);

                                    this->chkDie4->TabIndex = 9;

                                    this->chkDie4->Text = L"Keep";

                                    this->chkDie4->Visible = false;


                                    // chkDie5


                                    this->chkDie5->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->chkDie5->Location = System::Drawing::Point(539, 125);

                                    this->chkDie5->Name = L"chkDie5";

                                    this->chkDie5->Size = System::Drawing::Size(47, 17);

                                    this->chkDie5->TabIndex = 10;

                                    this->chkDie5->Text = L"Keep";

                                    this->chkDie5->Visible = false;


                                    // chkKeepAll


                                    this->chkKeepAll->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->chkKeepAll->Location = System::Drawing::Point(295, 172);

                                    this->chkKeepAll->Name = L"chkKeepAll";

                                    this->chkKeepAll->Size = System::Drawing::Size(61, 17);

                                    this->chkKeepAll->TabIndex = 11;

                                    this->chkKeepAll->Text = L"Keep All";

                                    this->chkKeepAll->Visible = false;

                                    this->chkKeepAll->CheckedChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::chkKeepAll_CheckedChanged);


                                    // btnRollDice


                                    this->btnRollDice->AutoEllipsis = true;

                                    this->btnRollDice->Font = (gcnew System::Drawing::Font(L"Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,


                                    this->btnRollDice->Location = System::Drawing::Point(188, 168);

                                    this->btnRollDice->Name = L"btnRollDice";

                                    this->btnRollDice->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);

                                    this->btnRollDice->TabIndex = 12;

                                    this->btnRollDice->Text = L"Roll Dice";

                                    this->btnRollDice->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::btnRollDice_Click);


                                    // btnExit


                                    this->btnExit->Font = (gcnew System::Drawing::Font(L"Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,


                                    this->btnExit->Location = System::Drawing::Point(388, 168);

                                    this->btnExit->Name = L"btnExit";

                                    this->btnExit->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);

                                    this->btnExit->TabIndex = 13;

                                    this->btnExit->Text = L"Quit";

                                    this->btnExit->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::btnExit_Click);


                                    // grpScoring





                                    this->grpScoring->Location = System::Drawing::Point(13, 207);

                                    this->grpScoring->Name = L"grpScoring";

                                    this->grpScoring->Size = System::Drawing::Size(627, 76);

                                    this->grpScoring->TabIndex = 14;

                                    this->grpScoring->TabStop = false;

                                    this->grpScoring->Text = L"Scoring:";


                                    // lblLegend3


                                    this->lblLegend3->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->lblLegend3->Location = System::Drawing::Point(221, 57);

                                    this->lblLegend3->Name = L"lblLegend3";

                                    this->lblLegend3->Size = System::Drawing::Size(184, 13);

                                    this->lblLegend3->TabIndex = 2;

                                    this->lblLegend3->Text = L"3 of a kind = $1        Low Straight = $3";


                                    // lblLegend2


                                    this->lblLegend2->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->lblLegend2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(221, 35);

                                    this->lblLegend2->Name = L"lblLegend2";

                                    this->lblLegend2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(183, 13);

                                    this->lblLegend2->TabIndex = 1;

                                    this->lblLegend2->Text = L"4 of a kind = $3       High Straight = $3";


                                    // lblLegend1


                                    this->lblLegend1->AutoSize = true;

                                    this->lblLegend1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(221, 16);

                                    this->lblLegend1->Name = L"lblLegend1";

                                    this->lblLegend1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(175, 13);

                                    this->lblLegend1->TabIndex = 0;

                                    this->lblLegend1->Text = L"5 of a kind = $4        Full House = $2";


                                    // grpOutput



                                    this->grpOutput->Location = System::Drawing::Point(13, 290);

                                    this->grpOutput->Name = L"grpOutput";

                                    this->grpOutput->Size = System::Drawing::Size(627, 144);

                                    this->grpOutput->TabIndex = 15;

                                    this->grpOutput->TabStop = false;

                                    this->grpOutput->Text = L"Game Status:";


                                    // txtOutput


                                    this->txtOutput->Location = System::Drawing::Point(7, 20);

                                    this->txtOutput->Multiline = true;

                                    this->txtOutput->Name = L"txtOutput";

                                    this->txtOutput->ReadOnly = true;

                                    this->txtOutput->Size = System::Drawing::Size(614, 118);

                                    this->txtOutput->TabIndex = 0;


                                    // tmrRoll


                                    this->tmrRoll->Tick += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::tmrRoll_Tick);


                                    // imlDiceList


                                    this->imlDiceList->ImageStream = (cli::safe_cast<System::Windows::Forms::ImageListStreamer^  >(resources->GetObject(L"imlDiceList.ImageStream")));

                                    this->imlDiceList->Images->SetKeyName(0, L"1.bmp");

                                    this->imlDiceList->Images->SetKeyName(1, L"2.bmp");

                                    this->imlDiceList->Images->SetKeyName(2, L"3.bmp");

                                    this->imlDiceList->Images->SetKeyName(3, L"4.bmp");

                                    this->imlDiceList->Images->SetKeyName(4, L"5.bmp");

                                    this->imlDiceList->Images->SetKeyName(5, L"6.bmp");


                                    // Form1


                                    this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);

                                    this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;

                                    this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(650, 444);

















                                    this->Cursor = System::Windows::Forms::Cursors::Hand;

                                    this->FormBorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::FormBorderStyle::Fixed3D;

                                    this->MaximizeBox = false;

                                    this->Name = L"Form1";

                                    this->Text = L"Dice Poker";

                                    this->Load += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_Load);

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie1))->EndInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie2))->EndInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie4))->EndInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie3))->EndInit();

                                    (cli::safe_cast<System::ComponentModel::ISupportInitialize^  >(this->pbxDie5))->EndInit();









#pragma endregion

            private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

                                                //Seed random number generator with current time

                                                DateTime moment = DateTime::Now;

                                                randNumGen = gcnew Random( moment.Millisecond );


                                                // Set starting game variables

                                                pbxDie1->Image = imlDiceList->Images[0];

                                                pbxDie2->Image = imlDiceList->Images[0];

                                                pbxDie3->Image = imlDiceList->Images[0];

                                                pbxDie4->Image = imlDiceList->Images[0];

                                                pbxDie5->Image = imlDiceList->Images[0];

                                                blnExcludeList = false;

                                                intTimerCntr = 0;


                                                //Set starting money

                                                intTotalDollars = 20;


                                                //Set beginning text

                                                txtOutput->Text = \

                                                String::Concat( "Welcome! Are you ready "

                                                "to play Dice Poker?\r\r\nYou have ",


                                                " dollars in your account." );


private: System::Void btnRollDice_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

                                    //See if the die have been rolled twice

                                    if( intNoOfRolls == 2 )


                                                //Change button display text

                                                btnRollDice->Text = "Roll Dice";

                                                //Reset to 0 to get game ready for new hand

                                                intNoOfRolls = 0;



                                    //if( the first roll has been made toggle the display of the

                                    //CheckBox control and keep track of the number of rolls

                                    if( btnRollDice->Text == "Roll Dice" )


                                                blnExcludeList = false;

                                                intNoOfRolls += 1;




                                                blnExcludeList = true;

                                                intNoOfRolls += 1;


                                    //Start the Timer control

                                    tmrRoll->Enabled = true; 


private: Void RollTheDice( Int32 diceNo ) {

        //Stores randomly generated number representing the role of a die

        Int32 intRoll;


        //These variables are used to track which die the player chooses

        //to hold onto over his/her first roll

        Boolean blnSkipCase1 = false,

                                                blnSkipCase2 = false,

                        blnSkipCase3 = false,

                        blnSkipCase4 = false,

                        blnSkipCase5 = false;


                        //Flag die the player wants to hold

        if( blnExcludeList = true )


            if( chkDie1->Checked == true )

                                                blnSkipCase1 = true;

            if( chkDie2->Checked == true )

                                                blnSkipCase2 = true;

            if( chkDie3->Checked == true )

                                                blnSkipCase3 = true;

            if( chkDie4->Checked == true )

                                                blnSkipCase4 = true;

            if( chkDie5->Checked == true )

                                                blnSkipCase5 = true;



                        //Simulate a 6-sided die

                        intRoll = randNumGen->Next( 6 ) + 1;


                        //For each die number, display the correct graphic

        switch( diceNo )


                                    case 1 : //Update image for the first die as it spins

                                                //Player elected not to hold

                if( blnSkipCase1 == false )


                                                            pbxDie1->Image = imlDiceList->Images[intRoll - 1];

                    intDice1 = intRoll;




            case 2 : //Update image for the second die as it spins

                                                //Player elected not to hold

                if( blnSkipCase2 == false )


                                                            pbxDie2->Image = imlDiceList->Images[intRoll - 1];

                    intDice2 = intRoll;




            case 3 : //Update image for the third die as it spins

                                                //Player elected not to hold

                if( blnSkipCase3 == false )


                                                            pbxDie3->Image = imlDiceList->Images[intRoll - 1];

                    intDice3 = intRoll;




            case 4 : //Update image for the fourth die as it spins

                                                //Player elected not to hold

                if( blnSkipCase4 == false )


                                                            pbxDie4->Image = imlDiceList->Images[intRoll - 1];

                    intDice4 = intRoll;




            case 5 : //Update image for the fifth die as it spins

                                                //Player elected not to hold

                if( blnSkipCase5 == false )


                                                            pbxDie5->Image = imlDiceList->Images[intRoll - 1];

                    intDice5 = intRoll;





private: System::Void tmrRoll_Tick(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

                        //Set amount of time to show dice rolling

                        const Int32 cintRollPeriod = 5;


        //Roll each die

        for( Int32 intDiceCntr = 1; intDiceCntr <= 5;

                                     intDiceCntr++ )

                                     RollTheDice( intDiceCntr );


        intTimerCntr += 1;  //Increment counter by one


        //Disable timer & display CheckBox controls at the

                        //  end of each roll

        if( intTimerCntr > cintRollPeriod )


            intTimerCntr = 0;  //Reset timer counter

                                    //Disable timer control

            tmrRoll->Enabled = false;

            if( intNoOfRolls == 1 )


                                                //Prepare game for second roll

                btnRollDice->Text = "Roll Again";

                                                //Enable Checkbox controls

                chkDie1->Visible = true;

                chkDie2->Visible = true;

                chkDie3->Visible = true;

                chkDie4->Visible = true;

                chkDie5->Visible = true;

                chkKeepAll->Visible = true;


            if( intNoOfRolls == 2 )


                                                //Prepare game for a new hand

                btnRollDice->Text = "Roll Dice";

                chkDie1->Checked = false;

                                                //Disable CheckBox controls

                chkDie2->Checked = false;

                chkDie3->Checked = false;

                chkDie4->Checked = false;

                chkDie5->Checked = false;

                chkKeepAll->Checked = false;

                chkDie1->Visible = false;

                                                //Hide CheckBox controls

                chkDie2->Visible = false;

                chkDie3->Visible = false;

                chkDie4->Visible = false;

                chkDie5->Visible = false;

                chkKeepAll->Visible = false;


                //Keeps track of score



                //Display the player's account status



                //See if player has gone broke

                                                if( intTotalDollars <= 0 )

                                                            //End the game





private: Void TotalTheScore( Void ) {

        //Declare array to be used to keep count of number

                        //  in each hand

        const Int32 intMaxNoDie = 7;

        Int32 intDieArray[intMaxNoDie];


        //Declare variable used to control loop execution

        Int32 intCounter = 1;


                        //Clear the dice array

                        for( intCounter = 0; intCounter < intMaxNoDie;

                                     intCounter++ )

                                    intDieArray[intCounter] = 0;


        //Iterate six times and keep count of the total number of

        //1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s that have been rolled

        for(  intCounter = 1; intCounter <= 6; intCounter++ )


            if( intDice1 == intCounter )

                                                intDieArray[intCounter] += 1;

            if( intDice2 == intCounter )

                                                intDieArray[intCounter] += 1;

            if( intDice3 == intCounter )

                                                intDieArray[intCounter] += 1;

            if( intDice4 == intCounter )

                                                intDieArray[intCounter] += 1;

            if( intDice5 == intCounter )

                                                intDieArray[intCounter] += 1;



        //Iterate six times looking for winning hands

        for( intCounter = 1; intCounter <= 6; intCounter++ )


            //See if the player has 5 of a kind

            if( intDieArray[intCounter] == 5 )


                                                //Update player's account

                intTotalDollars += 4;

                txtOutput->Text = "\r\r\nWinner: 5 of a kind!"

                " You win 4 dollars!";




            //See if the player has 4 of a kind

            if( intDieArray[intCounter] == 4 )


                                                //Update player's account

                intTotalDollars += 3;

                txtOutput->Text = "\r\r\nWinner: 4 of a kind!"

                " You win 3 dollars.";




            //See if the player has 3 of a kind or a full house

            if( intDieArray[intCounter] == 3 )


                                                //Player has 3 of a kind

                for( Int32 intCounter2 = 1; intCounter2 <= 6;

                                                             intCounter2++ )


                                                            //See if player has a full house

                    if( intDieArray[intCounter2] == 2 )


                                                                        //Update player's account

                        intTotalDollars += 2;

                        txtOutput->Text = "\r\r\nWinner:"

                        " Full house!  You win 2 dollars.";




                intTotalDollars += 1;  //Update player's account

                txtOutput->Text = "\r\r\nWinner: 3 of a "

                "kind! You win 1 dollar.";





        //Iterate through die 2 - 6 looking for a High Straight

        for( intCounter = 2; intCounter <= 6; intCounter++ )


            if( intDieArray[intCounter] != 1 )

                break;  //No need to keep looking any further



                                                if( intCounter == 6 )


                                                            //Update player's account

                                                            intTotalDollars += 3;

                                                            txtOutput->Text = "\r\r\nWinner: "

                                                            "High Straight! You win 3 dollars.";






        //Iterate through die 1 - 5 looking for a Low Straight

        for(  intCounter = 1; intCounter <= 5; intCounter++ )


            if( intDieArray[intCounter] != 1 )

                break;  //No need to keep looking any further



                if( intCounter == 5 )


                                                            //Update player's account

                    intTotalDollars += 3;

                    txtOutput->Text = "\r\r\nWinner: Low"

                    " Straight! You win 3 dollars.";







                        //Update player's account

        intTotalDollars -= 2;

        txtOutput->Text = "\r\r\nSorry, You lost this "

        "hand! You lose 2 dollars.";


private: Void EndOfGame( Void ) {

        //Variable used to hold player response

        Windows::Forms::DialogResult drPlayAgain;


                        //Clear out any status messages

        txtOutput->Text = "";


        //Prompt player to try again

        drPlayAgain = MessageBox::Show( "Sorry, you are "

        "broke. The game is over. Would you like to "

        "play again?", "Dice Poker",

                        MessageBoxButtons::YesNo, MessageBoxIcon::Question,

                        MessageBoxDefaultButton::Button1 );


        //if( player clicks on Yes set up a new game

                        if( drPlayAgain == Windows::Forms::DialogResult::Yes )


                                    //Reset the bank account

            intTotalDollars = 20;

            pbxDie1->Image = imlDiceList->Images[0];

            pbxDie2->Image = imlDiceList->Images[1];

            pbxDie3->Image = imlDiceList->Images[2];

            pbxDie4->Image = imlDiceList->Images[3];

            pbxDie5->Image = imlDiceList->Images[4];

                                    //Set beginning text

                                    txtOutput->Text = \

                                    String::Concat( "Welcome! Are you ready "

                                    "to play Dice Poker?\r\r\nYou have ",


                                    " dollars in your account." );


                        else //player wants to quit




private: Void UpdateAccountStatus( Void ) {

                                    txtOutput->Text = \

                                    String::Concat( txtOutput->Text,

                                    "\r\r\nYou have ",


                                    " dollars in your account." );


private: System::Void btnExit_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {



private: System::Void chkKeepAll_CheckedChanged(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {

        //if( the player selects the CheckBox

                        //  labeled KeepAll, select the other

                        //  CheckBox controls

        if( chkKeepAll->Checked == true )


            btnRollDice->Text = "Stick";

            chkDie1->Checked = true;

            chkDie2->Checked = true;

            chkDie3->Checked = true;

            chkDie4->Checked = true;

            chkDie5->Checked = true;




            //if( the player clears the CheckBox

                                    //  labeled KeepAll, clear the other

            //  CheckBox controls

            btnRollDice->Text = "Roll Again";

            chkDie1->Checked = false;

            chkDie2->Checked = false;

            chkDie3->Checked = false;

            chkDie4->Checked = false;

            chkDie5->Checked = false;



