Robotics C++ Physics II AP Physics B Electronics Java Astronomy Other Courses Summer Session  

Binary Search Trees

Definitions, building, traversing



Preorder Traversal

Counting Leaves

Find Minimum

Postorder Traversal



Count Nodes


Inorder Traversal



Adding and Deleting

Traversal Examples

Clear Tree




¢ Tree:
A tree is a structure in which a parent can have any number of children


¢ Binary Tree
A a structure in which a parent can have at most two children


¢ Binary Search Tree
Binary tree such that for every parent node, a child to the right will have a larger value, while a child to the left will have a smaller value. 


¢ Root node
The top node in the tree; the node whose value is 52 (see figure below).


¢ Parent node
A node which points to one or two nodes.


¢ Child node
The node being pointed to from a parent;  every node in the tree is a child to another node, except for the root node.


¢ Leaf
A node which has no children. It has two NULL pointers.


¢ Level
The distance from the root, calculated by counting the shortest distance from the root to that node. 
Examples:  29 is the value stored in a node at level 1, 62 is a value stored in a node at level 2, 17 is the value of a node stored at level 3, etc.


¢ Edge
An edge joins two nodes.  In the above diagram each arrow represents an edge. 


¢ Subtree
A subtree is the entire left branch or right branch of a node.  For example, the left subtree of the node containing 52 has 4 nodes. 
The right subtree of node containing 75 has only 1 node.


¢ Height
Longest distance, in terms of nodes, from root to a leaf


¢ Width
Longest distance, not necessarily including the root, from one node to another


Building a BST

struct treeNode


     int  data;

     treeNode  *left, *right;

     // struct constructor declaration



typedef treeNode*  treePtr;


void insert (treePtr &temp, int id, int inv);

void mainMenu (treePtr &);

int main()


     treePtr root;

     root = NULL;

     mainMenu (root);

     return 0;


void mainMenu (treePtr &root)


   char choice;

   //code to read data from file: id number and inventory amount

   //code to prompt for action - build, etc. Then calls insert if action is to build


void insert (treePtr &temp, int id, int inv)


            if (NULL == temp)

                        temp = new treeNode (id, inv, NULL, NULL);


                        if (id < temp->id)

                                    insert (temp->left, id, inv);


                                    insert (temp->right, id, inv);


Printing Preorder


void preorder (treePtr temp)


        if (temp != NULL)


                cout << temp->data << endl;

                preorder (temp->left);

                preorder (temp->right);



Printing Inorder


void inorder (treePtr temp)


        if (temp != NULL)


                inorder (temp->left);

                cout << temp->data << endl;

                inorder (temp->right);




Printing Postorder


void postorder (treePtr temp)


        if (temp != NULL)


                postorder  (temp->left);

                postorder (temp->right);

                 cout << temp->data << endl; 



Counting Leaves


  private int countLeaves (TreeNode root)


    if (root == null)

      return 0;

    else if ((root.getRight() == null) && (root.getLeft() == null))

            return 1;


      return countLeaves(root.getLeft()) + countLeaves (root.getRight());




private int height (TreeNode root)


    if (root == null)

      return 0;


      return (max(1 + height(root.getLeft()), 1 + height(root.getRight())));




private int width (TreeNode root)


    int temp;


    if (root == null)

      return 0;

    temp = height(root.getLeft()) + 1 + height(root.getRight());

    temp = max (temp, width(root.getLeft()));

    return max (temp, width(root.getRight()));





Count Nodes


private int countNodes (TreeNode root)


    if (root == null)

      return 0;


      return  countNodes(root.getLeft()) + 1 + countNodes(root.getRight());


Clear Tree

public void clearTree()


    myRoot = null;




private TreeNode insert (Comparable next, TreeNode root)

  // pre : root points to a binary search tree

  // post: next added to tree so as to preserve binary search tree


    if (root == null)

      root = new TreeNode (next, null, null);

    else if(next.compareTo(root.getValue()) <= 0 )

      root.setLeft(insert(next, root.getLeft()));


      root.setRight(insert(next, root.getRight()));

    return root;


Find Minimum


public Object findMin()

  // post: returns the minimum value in the tree (null if tree is empty)


      if (myRoot == null)

          return null;


          return findMin(myRoot);



  private Object findMin(TreeNode root)

  // pre : root points to a nonempty binary search tree

  // post: returns the minimum value stored in the tree


      if (root.getLeft() == null)

        return root.getValue();


        return findMin(root.getLeft());
