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Example 1


Part 1: Fill in the Blanks



  The three classes of languages are

        _____________________________________________________  machine language

       _____________________________________________________  assembly language

       _____________________________________________________  high-level language


  Every C++ program begins execution at the function _____________ main


  The following escape sequence, when output with cout and the stream insertion operator, causes the cursor to position to the beginning of the next

    line on the screen.  /n 


  The program that translates the language in a C++ program into machine language is called a ______________________ compiler


  Single line comments begin with ________________ //


  Preprocessor directives begin with _________________ #


  A house is to a blueprint as a (an) ______________________ is to a class.  Object


  Every clas definition contains keyword _______________ immediately followed by the name of the class.  class


  Each parameter in a function header should specify both a(an)  ______________  and a(an) ________________________.  type   name


  When an object of a class maintains its own copy of an attribute, the variable that represents the attribute is known as a(an) ______________________

     data member


  Function ________________ from the <string> library reads characters until a

     newline character is encountered, then copies those characters into the

     specified string.  getline ().


  When a member function is defined outside the class definition, the function

     header must include the class name and the _______________, followed by the

     function name.  scope resolution operator or ::


  It is customary to define a class in a header file that has a _____________ file

     extension.  .h


  A function protype contains the function’s name, its return type and

     _______________________.  number, type, and order of parameters received.


  A fundamental principle of good software design is to separate interface from

     ____________________________ implementation


  CPU stands for ____________________________________ central processing unit


Part 2: True – False

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false by placing a check mark (√) in the

appropriate column.





All variables must be given a type when they are declared



All variables must be declared before they are used



Declarations can appear almost anywhere in the body of a C++ function



When applied to integers, the modulus operator will return the quotient



/  instructs the compiler to ignore code to end of the line



Preprocessor directives end with a semicolon



White space characters in strings are ignored by the compiler



C++ is case sensitive



When a new value is placed in a memory location, the old value is destroyed



When a value is read from memory, the value originally in the memory location is destroyed



All functions must be enclosed by braces



C++ evaluates equal precedence arithmetic functions right to left



Parentheses can be used to force the order of evaluation



cin << is used to read input from the keyboard



A constructor that takes no arguments is called a default constructor



A class interface describes the public member functions



A class interface describes what services a user can request



A class interface does not describe how requests are carried out



The driver file has a .h extension



The implementation file has a .h extension



public is a keyword – it is an access specifier



You can use the return keyword in a function declared to have return type void




Part 3: Analyze Code

  Write the output of the following code in the space following the code




int main ()


      cout <<"This is an";

      cout <<" "<<"illustration of";

      cout <<" output in C++"<<endl;

      return 0;



This is an illustration of output in C++


  Write the output of the following code in the space following the code


#include <iostream.h>

int main ()


      int a = 10;

      int b = 20;

      if (a = b)

            cout <<"This prints"<<endl;

      if (b > a)

            cout <<"This prints also"<<endl;

      return 0;



 This prints

Part 4a: Write Code Segments

Given that you have a class named Mosquito. The class has a parameterless constructor and a constructor that accepts an integer parameter. It also has a public function named walk. The walk function takes an integer parameter.


  Write a line of code in the main function that will create an appropriately

     named object of the Mosquito class that calls the parameterless constructor.


            Mosquito biter ();


  Write code that will use the object above to call the walk function and pass it

     an appropriate parameter.


             int x = 5;



Part 4b. Write a Complete Class

Write a class named Banking (interface separate from implementation) that has


  Two data members:

       An integer named customerID

       A double named deposit

  Two constructor functions:

       A parameterless constructor that sets the private data members to 0

       A constructor that takes 2 parameters, an integer and a double

  A third function named status that returns the value of the deposit.


Place the interface here.


class Banking                    //Assume this file named banking.h


      public:                            //Constructors and member functions declared public

            Banking ();

            Banking (int member, double amountIn);

            double Status (double amount);

      private:                        //Data members declared private

            int customerID;

            double deposit;






Place the definition here


#include <iostream.h>           < > indicate a standard C++ header file

#include “banking.h”             //Quotations indicate a user written header file


Banking::Banking()               //Note the scope resolution operator (:: and why it is used)


      customerID = 0;

      deposit = 0.0;


Banking::Banking(int custNumber, double custDeposit)


      customerID = custNumber;

      deposit = custDeposit;


Banking::Status ()


    return deposit;




#include <iostream.h>

#include "banking.h"


int main ()


    int memberNumber = 0;

    double deposit = 0;

    cout <<"What is your member number?"<<endl;

    cin >> memberNumber;

    cout << "How much do you wish to deposit?<<endl;

    cin >> deposit

    Banking myBank (memberNumber, deposit)     //Creating an object and calling constructor

    cout <<"Your deposit was: "<<myBank.status<<endl;   //Printing amount of deposit

    return 0;




Part 5: Extra credit


Identify the following contributors to the field of Computer Science or computers.

First and last names must be given to receive credit.


Father of computer science:                            ________________  Alan Turing


Wrote the first program:                                     ________________  Agusta Byron


Wrote the first compiler:                                    ________________  Grace  Murray Hopper


Designed the ENIAC:                                           ________________  John Mauchley


Developed the stored-program concept:    ________________  John von Neumann


Developed the first computer:                         ________________  Charles Babbage 


The Boolean data type is named after him: ________________  George Boole


Developed the transistor:                               __________________ William Shockley