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Chapter 6: Series Circuits


A Series Circuit
Only One Path for Electrons to F
Another Series Circuit
Only One Path for Electrons to F
An Open Circuit
No Path for Electrons to Flow

n Voltage in a series circuit

      Ø Total voltage = sum of individual voltages

n Kirchoff's Laws

n Kirchoff's voltage law

      Ø The source voltage of a series circuit is equal to the total value of each voltage drop

n Current in a series circuit

      Ø There is only one path for the current to flow (not true for parallel circuits, studied in next chapter)

      Ø Current (the flow of electrons) is not lost

      Ø Therefore, the current is the same at each point in the circuit

n Resistance in a series circuit

      Ø Resistance is equal to the sum of the individual resistances

n Power in a series circuit

      Ø The total power (PT) is equal to the total voltage (ET) multiplied by the total circuit current (IT)

      Ø PT = ET IT

n Applying Ohm's law to a series circuit

      Ø Ohm's law (E = I R) is valid at each point in the circuit

      Ø Once current is found, it can be applied anywhere in the circuit (see note above)