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2012 AP Java Quiz 3-2

Part 1: GridWorld Case Study - Method Identification

1.  For each of the method described below, provide the complete name of the method

     to include return type and any parameters.


     a.  _______________________________________________________________

          Returns the object at location  loc (or null if the location is unoccupied.

          E  get(Location loc)


     b.  _______________________________________________________________

          Returns an array list of all occupied locations in this grid

          ArrayList<Location> getOccupiedLocations()


     c.  _______________________________________________________________

          Returns the grid of an actor, or null if the actor is not contained in a grid

          Grid<Actor> getGrid()


     d.  _______________________________________________________________

          Returns an array list of objects in the occupied locations adjacent to loc in the grid

          ArrayList<E> getNeighbors(Location loc)


     e.  _______________________________________________________________

          Returns the closest compass direction from this location toward target

          int getDirectionToward(Location target)


2.  ______________________________________ is the only abstract class in GridWorld



3.  ______________________________________ is the only Interface in Gridworld



4.  The ________________________________ method compared the characters inside a

     String object.  equals


5.  The ___________________operator compares two object references to see whether they

     refer to the same instance (same location in memory).  ==


6.  An instance variable is always called for a particular object. This variable is an implicit

     parameter for the method and is referred to with the __________keyword. this


7. Casting a superclass to a subclass type is called a _________________downcast



Part 2: GridWorld Case Study - Fill In The Blanks and Short Code


1.  The Bug, Flower, and Rock classes extend the _________________ class in

     different ways. Their  behavior is specified by how they override the _____________   

     method.  Actor    Act


2.  The _____________________instance variable defines the number of steps a

     BoxBug moves on each side of its box.    sideLength


3.  Assume that greenBug inherits from Bug and that, in that class,  gr has been

    declared to be a reference to a Grid object. Write a line of code that will obtain a

    count of the number of objects in the grid and assign it to an integer variable named



    int theCount = gr.getOccupiedLocations().size()


4.  List 3 properties that every Actor has


     a. ______________________A Color     b. _____________________  A Direction


     c. ______________________A reference to its grid


5.  Composition is a "________________________" relationship  Has A


6.  Inheritance is a " _________________________" relationship  Is A


7. If a bug needs to turn 180 degrees, how many times should it call the turn method

    _____________ times.    Four. Each turn is a 45 degree turn.


8.  The __________________method of the Comparable class compares one object

     with another object and returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer

     depending on whether one object is less than, equal to, or greater than another

     object.     compareTo


9.  The ______________ keyword is a reference to the current object.  this


10.  Assume that you have established and populated an ArrayList of strings named

      theList. Using an enhanced for loop, write code that will print out the elements of the



      for(String counter : theList)





Part 3: GridWorld Case Study Multiple Choice: Circle Correct Answer


1. A FastCritter is to behave exactly like a Critter, except that it can move up to two grid

    locations in each direction (assuming that it is not blocked by another actor). To

    achieve this behavior, which method should be overridden?


    A. getActors  


    B. processActors


    C. getMoveLocations   Answer


    D. selectMoveLocation


    E. makeMove


2. Consider the following code segment.


    Grid<Actor> grid = new BoundedGrid<Actor>(10, 10);

    Bug bug1 = new Bug();


    bug1.putSelfInGrid(grid, new Location(3, 5));

    Bug bug2 = new Bug();


    bug2.putSelfInGrid(grid, new Location(2, 6));




   What is the result of executing the code segment?


   A. bug1 and bug2 will both occupy location (3, 6).


   B. bug1 will move into location (3, 6) and bug2 will turn.  Answer


   C. bug1 will move into location (3, 6) and bug2 will do nothing.


   D. bug1 will move into location (3, 6) and bug2 will throw an exception.


   E. bug1 will move into location (3, 6) but will be removed when bug2 moves into the same

       location, (3, 6). 3

3. Consider the following code segment.


    Grid<Actor> grid = new BoundedGrid<Actor>(10, 10);

    Bug ladybug = new Bug();

    ladybug.putSelfInGrid(grid, new Location(2, 8));



    Under which of the following circumstances can ladybug advance to location (2,7) ?


    I. The location (2,7) contains another Bug.

    II. The location (2,7) contains a Flower.

    III. The location (2,7) contains a Rock.


    A. I only


    B. II only     Answer


    C. III only


    D. I and II only    


    E. I, II, and III


4.  What would be the effect of having a subclass of Actor called SubActor that does not

     override the act method?


     I.   A subActor object would always be blue.

     II.  A SubActor object would always face north.

     III. A SubActor object would remain in its original location when it acts.


     A.  I only


     B.  II only


     C.  III only     Answer


     D.  I and III only


     E.  I, II, and III


5.  Suppose the Actor class is modified to add a Color parameter to its constructor. If

     the Critter class is not changed, what will happen when the modified constructor is

     called to create a Critter in a client class?


     A.  A compile-time error will occur    Answer


     B.  An exception will be thrown as soon as a color is selected.


     C.  A blue Critter will be created.


     D.  A Critter will be created with the same color as the Actor


     E.  A dialog box will appear, allowing a Critter of any color to be created.


6.  Which is a good reason for using the Location class constants for the compass

     directions and commonly used turn angles?


     I.   They enhance readability of code.

     II.  There is no built-in Degree type in Java

     III. They distinguish locations from directions


     A.  I only    Answer


     B.  II only


     C.  III only


     D.  I and III only


     E.  I, II, and III


Part 4: Items Not Graded on Last Quiz - Fill in the Blanks and Code


1. Provide the order of the following algorithms


    a.  recursive merge sort algorithm_________________ O(NlogN)


    b.  sequential search _____________O(N)   c,  binary search ______________ O(logN)


2. The type of sort you would use if the data was already sorted except for the last item

      being added is ______________________________ Insertion


3. Write a code segment that will declare a one-dimensional array object named

    theMass that stores values that do not contain decimal places. Do not allocate



    int theMass[ ];


4. Write a code segment that will declare and construct a one-dimensional array object

    named temperatures that stores 25 values that contain decimal places.


    float temperatures [ ] = new float [25]; //can also use double


5. Write a code segment that will pass the array named temperatures to a method

    named populate.




6. Write a code segment that will declare a reference variable named myListOne for an

    ArrayList such that it contains references to objects of type string.


   ArrayList <String> myListOne;


7. Write a code segment that will declare a reference variable named myListTwo and

    construct an ArrayList such that it contains references to objects of type double with

    an initial capacity of 20.


   ArrayList <Double> myListTwo = new ArrayList <Double> (20);


8. Write a code segment that will print the element of myListTwo above whose index is





9. Write a code segment that will add the names Jonathan and Moses to myListOne.





10. Write a code segment that will remove the name Jonathan from myListOne.




11. Assume that code has been written so that myListOne now contains 10 names. Write

     code that will add the name Abrazot so that it is the 5th element (element whose

     index is 4).


     myLIstOne.set(4, “Abrazot”);


12. Use an Iterator object to print all the names currently in myListOne. Write a code

      segment for this problem.

     Iterator iter = myListOne.iterator();

     while (iter.hasNext())





13. Write code that will create a two-D array of integers named theArray and populate it

      with elements in the rows and columns as indicated below. Do this using an initializer



      1 1

      2 2


      a.  Do this using an initializer list.


           int theArray[][] = {{1,1},{2,2}};


      b.  Do this using a for loop.


           for (row = 0; row<2; row++)


                for (col = 0; col<2; col++)


                     theArray[row][col] = row+1;




14. Write a line of code that will create a square two-D array of 100 doubles named

      anotherArray. Do not initialize the array. Use the new keyword.


      double anotherArray[ ][ ] = new double[10][10];


15. Write a line of code that will print the number of columns in the second row of an

      array named countThings

