Robotics C++ Physics II AP Physics B Electronics Java Astronomy Other Courses Summer Session  

2011 Exercise 1-1

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks


n  The text subdivides computer languages into 3 general types. These are


     ·  ______________________________________              Machine Language


     ·  ______________________________________              Assembly Language


     ·  ______________________________________              High-Level Languages


n  #include <iostream> is called a     


    Preprocessor directive  also accepted class or library or header


n  The expression using namespace std is used in all lab assignments.

     std is a ___________________________ namespace


n  List the escape sequence for each of the following


     ·  New line: __________________________ \n


     ·  Horizontal tab: ______________________  \t


n  The following symbol(s)  indicate(s) that everything from there to the end of the line is

     to be ignored by the compiler ______________________________________  //


n  The following symbol(s)  indicate(s) that everything between them is to be ignored by

     the compiler ______________________________________  /*     */


n  The symbol for the modulus operator is: _________________________  %


n  10/3 + 6 – 2 + 6%3 = _____________________________     7


n  C++ applies the operators in arithmetic expressions in a precise sequence

     determined by ___________________________________________________

     rules of operator precedence


n  A procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to execute and the order in

     which these actions execute is called a(an) ___________________________



n  The research of Bohm and Jacopini demonstrated that programs could be written

     without any goto statements. They also demonstrated that programs could be written

     in terms of only three control structures. These are the following. Note: List the

     general types, do not give examples such as if…


     ·  ____________________________________________  sequence


     ·  ____________________________________________  selection


     ·  ____________________________________________  iteration


n  A _______________________ structure chooses among alternative courses of

    action.    Selection


n  Changing the data type of a variable for the current operation only is known as

     ____________________  casting


n  Writing c /= 7 is shorthand for writing _____________________ c = c/7


n  The operator for and  (as in a and b) is _________________ &&


n  The operator for or (as in a or b) is _________________ ||


n  The operator that is used to place the contents of the memory location designated by

     the variable b into the memory location designated by the variable a is _________ =


n  The operator that is used to see if the contents of the memory location designated by

     the variable b is the same as the contents of the memory location designated by the

     variable a is _________  ==


n  The operator that has the highest precedence is ________________________ ( )



Part 2: Analysis of Code


n  Write the output of the following code on the line following the code


#include "stdafx.h"


using namespace std;


int main ()


      int a = 10;

      int b = 20;

      if (a = b)

            cout <<"This prints"<<endl;

      if (b > a)

            cout <<"This prints also"<<endl;

      return 0;




This prints

NOTE: when you set a=b, they are then equal. So, with the next if statement, b is clearly not > a, it is equal to a because of the above assignment.


n  The following code will print A Green Monkey ___________  times.  20


#include <iostream.h>

int main ()


for (int i = 2; i<6;i++)

   for (int j = 2; j<7; j++)


       if (j % 2 = = 0)

               cout << endl;  

       cout << "A Green Monkey  ";


   return 0;




Part 3: True – False


Indicate whether the following statements are true or false by placing a check mark (√) in the appropriate column.




All variables must be given a type when they are declared



All variables must be declared before they are used



Declarations can appear almost anywhere in the body of a C++ function



When applied to integers, the modulus operator will return the quotient



Preprocessor directives end with a semicolon



C++ is case sensitive



When a new value is placed in a memory location, the old value is destroyed



C++ evaluates equal precedence arithmetic operators right to left



Parentheses can be used to force the order of evaluation



Extra spaces and blank lines are ignored in C++



cin << is used to read input from the keyboard



A compiler converts a high-level language to 0s and 1s



An integer variable takes less space in memory than a variable declared as a double



The variable age is stored in the same location as the variable Age





Part 4: Control Statements and Algorithms


n  Given the following code


      for (int m = 1; m<10; m++)


         cout<< "X is 5";



     ·  Duplicate the output using a while loop


        int counter = 0;

        while (counter <10)


           cout<<"X is 5";

           counter = counter + 1)




     ·  Duplicate the output using a do while loop


        int counter = 0;



           cout<<"X is 5";

           counter = counter + 1)


        while (counter <10)


n  Given that an array named MyArray has been declared and initialized with 100 random

      integers.Write code below that will find and print the largest integer in the array


int largest = MyArray[0];

for (int i = 1; i<100;i++)


    if MyArray[i} > largest


        largest = MyArray[i]



cout<<"The largest is: "<<largest<<endl;



n  Given that an array named MyArray has been declared and initialized with 100 random

      integers.Write code below that will find and print the sum of the elements in the array



int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i<100;i++)


    sum = sum + MyArray[i];


cout<<"The largest is: "<<largest<<endl;




Part 5: Functions


This problem involves writing a main function that will prompt the user to enter an angle in degrees; the angle should be entered without a fractional component. It will then pass this angle to a function named convertToRadians. Finally, both the angle in degrees and the converted angle will be passed to a function named printResults. The function printResults will print both values, appropriately labeled. 2 functions in addition to the main will be used.


Write code for this problem in parts as explained below.


n  Write code that must be placed before the main in the space provided after the 3 lines of

     code  listed below. Said differently, write the function prototypes for the functions

     convertToRadians and printResults.


#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


double convertToRadians(int degrees);

void printResults(int degrees, double radians);


n  Write code below that will prompt the user to enter an angle (without decimals) in degrees

     and assign the value entered to a properly declared variable named degrees. Assume this

     code is being written in the main (you do not have to write the rest of the main function...)


    int degrees = 0;

    cout <<"Please enter the angle in degrees as an integer"<<endl;

    cin >>degrees;


n  Assume the following code is also being written in the main. Write code below that will call a

    function named convertToRadians and pass the above variable degrees to it. Upon return

    from the function the converted value is to be assigned to a properly declared variable named



     double radians = convertToRadians(degrees);


n  Assume the following code is also being written in the main.

     Write code that will call a function named printResults and pass both variables degrees and

     radians to it.


     printResults(degrees, radians);



n  Write the complete function convertToRadians as described above in the space below. The

     function will convert the angle from degrees to radians using the following approximate

     relationship. Radians = 3.1416*Degrees/180   It will then return this converted value to the



    double convertToRadians(int degrees)


      return degrees*3.1416/180;





n  Write the complete function printResults as described above in the space below. This

     function will print, appropriately labeled, the angle in both degrees and radians.


    void printResults(int degrees, double radians)


            cout <<"The angle in degrees is: "<<degrees<<endl;

            cout <<"The angle converted to radians is: "<<radians<<endl;



Part 6: Math Functions and Logic Operators


Assume the following code has been written in the main.


double pi = 3.1416;

double a = -431.7;

int z = 100;


Write code that will accomplish the following


n   Print the cosine of pi




n   Print the square root of pi




n   Print z raised to the power 3


cout<<pow(z, 3);



Part 7: Extra Credit


n   ASCII stands for:_____________________________________________________    

     American Standard Code for Information Interchange         


n   There is a clock in the lab that runs backwards.


     ·  There was a similar clock in the office of this famous computer scientist.

        This person is:_____________________________________ Grace Murray Hopper


     ·  This person wrote the first ___________________________ compiler


n   Designer and original developer of the C++ language__________________________________

     Bjarne Stroustrup


n  Father of computer science_____________________________ Alan Turing


n  Designed the first computer ___________________________ Charles Babbage


n  A picture of __________________________________ appears on the first page of this quiz.

     George Boole